  • Similar to the implementersÆ æprivate workspaceÆ, where individuals can develop and change code in a contained area, is the notion of integration workspace. The integration workspace is where subsystem and system integrators convince themselves that separately developed and tested components can indeed work together as a product.
Input Artifacts: Resulting Artifacts:
Frequency: On-going as part of the Iterative Development Process
Worker: Integrator
Tool Mentor:

Workflow Details:

Implementers develop components, in accordance with the projectÆs defined Development Case, and deliver them from their development workspaces into the project's integration workspace. Integrators combine the components delivered to the integration workspace to produce a build. When creating a new baseline, the integrator needs to "lock" the integration workspace to ensure that there is a static set of files, and that no new files are delivered by the developers.

There are two kinds of views that can be associated with the integration workspace, they are the dynamic view, and the static view.

Dynamic views provide immediate, transparent access to files and directories in the project repository. Snapshot views copy files and directories from the project repository onto the developer's local computer.

The integration view should be a dynamic view. This ensures that the integrator sees the latest version of files and directories delivered by the developers.

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